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Amine Scrubbing with Aspen HYSYS


MEA (monoethanolamine)  Scrubbing with Aspen HYSYS

Welcome to our blog discussing one of the most interesting aspects of chemistry and chemical engineering: absorption simulation using the powerful software, Aspen HYSYS. In this discussion, we will understand the basic principles of absorption, how Aspen HYSYS serves as an important tool in modeling this process, and why a deep understanding of this simulation can help design efficient solutions in the industry.


In an ever-evolving world, industry strives to optimize production processes, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. One technique that has proven to be very useful in achieving these goals is the absorption process, where specific components of a gas mixture can be taken up and absorbed by an absorbent liquid. However, designing and understanding this process traditionally may be a complicated challenge. This is where Aspen HYSYS comes in as a tool that enables accurate simulation of absorption processes with multiple variables.


Let's dive into the concept of absorption, the practical steps in creating a simulation model using Aspen HYSYS, and how simulation results can be analyzed and interpreted for better process development. Not only that, we will present practical tips and relevant case study examples to give you a deeper understanding of the real applications of absorption simulation using Aspen HYSYS.


So, if you are a student or professional in chemistry, chemical engineering, or industry interested in exploring the world of absorption process simulation and optimization, you are in the right place. Get ready to embark on this exciting journey and broaden your horizons on how Aspen HYSYS can help design more efficient and innovative solutions in modern industry.


Let's go ahead and dive into the exciting world of absorption simulation using Aspen HYSYS!

Absorption can occur when an absorbate (gas component) diffuses into an absorbent (liquid) and forms a solution. The basic concept of the absorption process is to utilize the diffusivity of gas molecules in a particular solution. When the adsorbate (gas mixture) is contacted with an adsorbent that can dissolve one of the components in the gas and this contact process lasts for a long time at a fixed temperature, an equilibrium will occur which causes no more mass transfer. The driving force in this mass transfer is the level of dissolved gas concentration (partial pressure) in the total gas exceeding the equilibrium concentration with the liquid at any time. When the concentration of dissolved gas (expressed in partial pressure) in the gas phase exceeds the equilibrium concentration in the absorbing liquid, there will be a concentration difference that creates a tendency for the gas to dissolve or be absorbed by the liquid.

In more detail, if the partial pressure of the dissolved gas in the gas phase is higher than the equilibrium concentration in the liquid at any given time, then the gas molecules will move from the gas phase to the liquid phase. This creates mass transfer from the gas to the liquid, which is the main objective of the absorption process. This concept is very important in understanding how the absorption process takes place and how various factors such as pressure, temperature, and composition contribute to the efficiency of the process.


There has been a recent surge of interest in the recovery of carbon dioxide from flue gas. The recovery of carbon dioxide gas will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the captured carbon dioxide can be sold. In addition, the captured CO2 can be used in the process of improving oil capture. In this method, CO2 is injected into underground oil wells. When CO2 is dissolved in the oil, it reduces the viscosity (thickness) of the oil and its surface tension. This effect makes the oil more fluid and easier to flow through the well, thereby increasing the oil recovery rate from the reservoir. Generally, this is known as an EOR (enhanced oil recovery) method.


Gas-liquid absorption, also known as gas stream scrubbing, can be used to remove CO2 from flue gas streams using MEA (monoethanolamine) as a solvent. MEA acts as a weak base and neutralizes acidic compounds such as CO2. This will cause the CO2 to ionize into HCO3- which will prevent the CO2 from leaving the solvent, resulting in a gas stream that is largely free of carbon dioxide.


Case Study Example

It is known that the amine solvent has a theoretical loading capability of 0.5 moles of CO2 for each mole of amine. Calculate the amount of MEA required to remove CO2 from a flue gas stream containing 10mol% carbon dioxide with a total flow rate of 1000 tons/day. Use Aspen HYSYS to simulate this process and confirm the results. Assume a dilute solvent stream with a mass fraction of 0.25 MEA and a 20 stages absorber column.


Aspen HYSYS Setup

Open Aspen HYSYS and create a new simulation.

Enter the components involved in this simulation. In the Component List folder select Add. Then add water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, monoethanolamine, and oxygen to the component list.

MEA (monoethanolamine)  Scrubbing with Aspen HYSYS for the captured carbon dioxide

Define the fluid package that will be used by clicking the Fluid Packages folder and selecting Add. Select Acid Gas-Chemical Solvents as the property package.

MEA (monoethanolamine)  Scrubbing with Aspen HYSYS for the captured carbon dioxide

Next, we can start the simulation by clicking Simulation on the bottom left of the screen.

MEA (monoethanolamine)  Scrubbing with Aspen HYSYS for the captured carbon dioxide

Add the material stream to the flowsheet and name it FLUE GAS. Define the Temperature value at 65oC, pressure at 1.2 bar, and Mass Flow at 1000 tonne/day (4.167E+004 kg/h). in the Composition section enter Mole Fractions of 0.10 for CO2 and 0.70 for Nitrogen, 0.15 for Water, and 0.05 for Oxygen. Then this flow will be resolved

Looking at the FLUE GAS stream, we can see that it contains ~150 kg mol/hr of carbon dioxide. This means that we will need a minimum of ~300 kg mole/hour of MEA to remove all the carbon dioxide. In our simulation, we will create a feed with slightly more MEA than the calculated minimum to ensure successful carbon dioxide removal. Since our solvent feed has an MEA mass fraction of 0.25, this means that our solvent stream will require a total mass flow of about 80,000 kg/hr.


Add a second material stream to the flowsheet. This will be the solvent stream. Double-click on the stream and rename it to Solvent. Enter Temperature 25°C, Pressure 1 bar, and Mass Flow 80,000 kg/hr. In the Composition form, enter a Mass Fraction of 0.25 for MEA and 0.75 for water. The flow must be solved.

Add Absorber Column Sub-Flowsheet from the Model palette

Double-click on the column (T-100). This will open the Absorber Column Input Expert. On the first page of Column Input Expert select Solvent stream as Top Stage Inlet and Flue Gas stream as Bottom Stage Inlet. Create an Ovhd Vapor Outlet called CLEAN AIR and a Bottom Liquid Outlet called SOLUTION. Enter 20 for # Stages. Click Next when finished.

On the second page of the Column Input Expert enter a Top Stage Pressure of 1 bar and a Bottom Stage Pressure of 1.2 bar. Click Next when done

On the last page of the input expert, enter an approximate Top and Bottom Stage Temperature of 50°C. This does not have to be very accurate, but it will help the troubleshooter to find a solution. Click Done to configure the column

The column properties window will now appear. Click Run to start the calculation. The absorbent column should converge

Check the results. Double-click on the Clean Airstream. Open the Composition form under the Worksheet tab. You will see that there is no carbon dioxide left in the stream.


This simulation has confirmed the calculated amount of MEA required to remove carbon dioxide from the flue gas stream. It was found that a solvent stream of 80,000 kg/hr is sufficient to remove carbon dioxide from a flue gas stream of 1000 tons/day. The clean air stream can now be released to the atmosphere and the captured carbon dioxide can be removed from the solvent and sold or used for various applications